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About Us

We are a team of online marketing specialists from Vienna and we have been kept busy with the internet for many years already. Especially in the online industry it is always necessary to grow, because the internet is growing too.


We have a lot of fun at work and when you are doing something with fun; you are doing the job very well. We are trying to reach the highest aims in our projects and are always thinking in the long-term, a sharp contrast to what many colleagues in this industry do.


Our intention is a long-term, enduring success and our advice to all our customers is to have this intention too.

Relaunch Gamesbasis.com

After the recent soft relaunch of a few sports websites that we promote, we applied the same concept to the games site gamesbasis.com. The users of the site embrace the new layout.

Social Media Campaigns

Currently we are running strong social media campaigns for our clients. The focus is on Facebook, Google+ und Youtube.